Sync Items and Files with Google Drive

August 19, 2023

Streamline your workflow by syncing with Google Drive. Dive into our latest guide to seamlessly integrate your tasks and files across both platforms. Boost collaboration, keep everything organized, and empower your team to work smarter.

Maximize your productivity by seamlessly syncing your projects with Google Drive. DriveSync offers an intuitive solution to integrate these platforms, ensuring your files and items are automatically synchronized. This guide will explore the benefits of DriveSync and how it can transform your workflow.

Why Integration Matters:

Linking your project management tools with your file storage system is crucial for enhancing team collaboration and efficiency. DriveSync eliminates the manual transfer of files between and Google Drive, automating your workflow and saving valuable time.

DriveSync’s Key Benefits:

  • Automated Folder Creation: DriveSync creates a Google Drive folder for each new item, organizing your files effortlessly.
  • Instant File Syncing: Any file added to is automatically synced to the correct Google Drive folder, keeping your team on the same page.
  • Support for Shared Drives: Ideal for team projects, DriveSync works with Google Shared Drives, enhancing collaboration.
  • Customizable Settings: Tailor your syncing rules to fit your team’s needs, with flexible configurations for file management

Link to install DriveSync

How to use full video guide

Folder Creation

DriveSync folder creation
  • Install the app in the relevant board.
  • Go to integrate section, search and select “DriveSync”.
  • Choose the “When an item is created, a Google Drive folder…” or “When an item is created, create a new folder inside” or “When button clicked, a Google Drive will be generated” or “When button clicked, create a new folder inside” recipe.
  • Authorise and Google Drive.
  • Configure the recipe
  • Navigate to Google Drive or a Shared Drive.
  • Access the specific folder where new folders will be created.
  • Copy the URL of this folder from browser.
  • Paste the copied URL into the “Paste folder URL here” field in the recipe.
  • Choose the Column to store the link of the newly created folder for the Link field.
    Note:- steps a to d is only applicable in some recipes.
  • Create a new item/press the button and DriveSync will create a folder for you.

File Syncing

DriveSync file syncing
  • Install the app in the relevant board.
  • Go to integrate section, search and select “DriveSync”.
  • Choose the “When column changes, Sync files from” recipe.
  • Authorise and DriveSync.
  • Configure the recipe
  • column field: Select the column (triggers automation when column changes)
  • Column field: Select the column from which files will be synced.
  • Folder field: Select the column with the folder link.
  • Update the column and DriveSync will sync the files from to Google Drive.

Transform Your Workflow with DriveSync:

With DriveSync, manual file management becomes a thing of the past. Your documents are always up-to-date and accessible, streamlining communication and project execution. This tool is indispensable for teams looking to optimize their workflows and focus on delivering top-notch results.

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