Airtable Sync installation guide

Step 1: Installation

  • Go to the marketplace.
  • Find the Airtable Sync app and click on "Add" or "Install". Alternatively, you can install the app via this link.

Step 2: Adding and Authorizing the Recipe

  • After installation, go to your board and click on "Add Recipe".
  • In the pop-up window, find and select the Airtable Sync recipe.
  • You will be prompted to authorize the app. Click "Authorize".
  • You will first be prompted to authorize the app. Proceed to log in and authorize.
  • After authorizing, you will be redirected to authorize the Airtable app. Log in to your Airtable account and grant the necessary permissions.

Step 3: Configuring the Recipe

  • After successful authorization, you will be redirected to the recipe configuration page.
  • Determine and select how frequently you want the syncing to occur (e.g., daily, hourly).
  • Next, select your desired Airtable workspace, base, and table from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Finalizing and Running the Sync

  • Once you've made your selections, click "Run" or "Save".
  • The Airtable Sync app will start syncing data from the specified Airtable to your board at the intervals you've set.

Step 5: Verifying the Sync

  • Check your board to see if the data from your selected Airtable is appearing as expected.

Step 6: Support and Troubleshooting

  • If you encounter any issues or have questions about the app, reach out to the developer's support team. Provide the support contact details here.


  • As of now columns will be created and updated automatically based on data.
  • If in Airtable primary field column value is empty then it will not reflect that data in board.
  • Order of the items are may be not same in board as Airtable(Its dependent on Airtable API). For more info Click here.